Monday, October 20, 2014

October Sisterhood

Good afternoon, Sisters!

Although we didn't have all that was planned for our October meeting,  we had what and whom God meant to be there for a very productive evening. I'm excited to see our numbers come up even by a handful and I believe we are more productive as a unit.

Going down our agenda list, here's a run down of the meeting:
We learned a new song "In This Room" which I felt is appropriate for Laity Day as our theme is "Celebrating Unity Among God's People." The reason is that when Christian people gather with unity of purpose--serving God-- wonderful things of God are to be found, individually and collectively.

After prayer we did another unifying activity called Sisterhood Bingo. The object of the game was to take a bingo card filled with 25 attributes and get a sister who had each attribute to sign her name in the square with that attribute. That meant sisters had to walk around and talk to other sisters. It taught us more about each other and promoted sisters getting out of their usual seats to get to talk to each other about the items on the bingo card. Sisters didn't want to stop playing the game! The straight bingo winner was Sister Melissa Porter and the full card winner was Sister Beulah Robinson.

Rev. Williams invited Sister Aletha Wiliams to join us and speak about the fitness program now in place at the Mount Pilgrim Family Life Center. She explained all that is available there in terms of classes and individual fitness training for Mount Pilgrim family. Sister Peggy vouched for the individual care given to her and to Brother Wallace as they participate in the program. Sister Williams is there as early as 8:00 AM. Give a call to the FLC and check out the program. I plan to do just that!

Another guest was recognized and she came through as a visitor in need of spiritual support. I reminded the Sisterhood that this nurturing and reaching outside our church walls is what we are to be about. Once a woman comes to our family, the Sisterhood needs to be an embracing support. This young sister was made to feel welcome by our sister family. From talking with her, she is already saved and accustomed to being active in a church. She is in need of that support mentioned above. She wants to return for mid-week service so if those of you who were present last evening should see her this evening, it would be nice to reach out to her in recognition. We also discussed other needs that she confided in me and Sister Robinson. Since she did not state them in open meeting, I will not write them here in respect for her sharing in confidence.

Hospitality Report: We shared that we miss our beloved Sister Elmira Wicker who has had a corneal transplant. The cornea is the clear outer coating of the eye. She is in good spirits and seems to have not had problems with this procedure but she should take it easy. We are to lift her up in prayer and members, including myself have promised to call and make sure she has a ride when needed, among other services. So, as you are reading this, Sister Wicker, expect many phone calls! With this in mind, sisters, we're reminded to call some of our sisters who live in or near us and offer rides to meeting and/or service.

Duties Lists: Lists sent by email were available in hard copy on the front table for those who do not have email.

CWC: Earlier yesterday was the Christian Women's Connection luncheon under Sister Nona Haynes presiding. Cancer survivors were honored and several Mount Pilgrim members were present including Sister Peggy Wallace, Sister Marjorie Nichols, Sister Anita Taylor and myself. Sister Nona announced that she would not be president by the next CWC luncheon in February *:( sad, however we should still support this ministry as an organization for Christian women as another spiritual resource.

KO UPDate/KI Cookies: The agape items made by the Sisterhood helped to express the love of Jesus to the guests who attended the Kairos Outside retreat (#12) for the ladies ages 20 and older who have a loved one who is incarcerated. One of our own Mount Pilgrim members attended as a guest and a change in her spirit was noted for having attended. In respect for her confidentiality, although her name was shared among us, please do not share it outside of our meeting-- and do not mention it unless she does with you. Please continue to lift her in your prayers and give her a big hug when you see her.

Brother Massenburg and Bother Michael are on the next Kairos Inside team (#58) for Angola and will need 100 dozen cookies for November 13. Here is a helpful link. One error Todd mentions on the site is 6 cookies per bag bu hey should be 12 cookies per bag. Click here--> Cookies. Cookies can be baked in the home of a praying baker as well as part of a group. I said I would see if we could get the use of the kitchen on the same day as our November meeting so we can bake up until meeting time. We had several volunteers to raise their hands for that day. I forgot I have to fly to Denver but I should be back by the afternoon of that day. I'm sending a request in for the kitchen to Sister Miller today.
Since I am going up to St. Francisville on that Thursday (11/13) to help the Agape Lady, I can take the cookies myself. Also, if anyone would like to follow or ride with me, I'm going up for lunch.  Or meet us  later after work to help her at the Grace Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall 11621 Ferdinand Street.

First Sisterhood Fellowship: Also in encouraging our UNITY, we have decided to spend some free time together as we decided at our September meeting. Sister Annette is to get back to us with a date as she talks to the bowling center staff. Those who do not bowl, remember, you do not have to. It's about us getting together. There is a TV there for those who want to watch the game and for those who bowl, I want to learn of your tips.

Commune with Nature Fellowship: Sister Nona will get with us on our day to go out to a nice park and prayerfully consider God's creation as a unit. I know I'm excited about that!

Laity Day is October 26 at 3:00PM. Brother Galloway and I have been working on it. The theme is Celebrating Unity Among God's People. The Scripture is Hebrews 13:1-3. I've talked to you about my friend Sister Betty Carter, whom I've asked to speak. We did not talk about the assessment, however, on last Sunday Pastor said we should remain at $100. Sister Nona and Brother Donald will introduce the speaker and Brother Galloway and I will make a presentation. I want to keep young people encouraged and involved so I asked for the ladies who perform the liturgical mime to create something for us. We're tyring to make sure males and females  of the laity do program sections together--like the mission vision statement, prayer, etc.
We ladies will wear black and for next year we will consider having corsages made to use as a uniform for however we decide to dress. Sister Beulah said she will ask Sister Wynette to make us some simple ribbons for this time.

Well, when I started writing this, the greeting was "Good Morning!" and I had to change it to "Good afternoon" after recording all that we accomplished last night. Aren't you glad you helped get so much accomplished last night? I'm glad to have you as my sisters--and together we will get much accomplished in Jesus' name.

Kathy Michael

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Sisterhood Meeting 9/6/14

Good morning, Sisters!

The last email sent itself after I left it idle for too long, so if you were wondering why you received a blank email.. *:D big grin
This is a reminder that we will have meeting next Tuesday and to recap last month's meeting.

Last month we had  the Values Clarification Exercise which was to promote unity and have a fun way to discuss how we all grow closer to Christ in our daily activities. That exercise was fun and smiles were seen even though we had to get out of our seats to do it.
We also did some agape crafts for the next Kairos Outside for ladies that will take place in September. I am overjoyed to report that will have one guest from Mount Pilgrim who has an incarcerated relative! For her confidentiality I cannot reveal her name but let us all be in prayer that this weekend workshop will uplift her spiritually and that she will have a good time in the Lord. Knowing that her Mount Pilgrim Sisterhood sisters cared enough to make some of the agape gifts and send up prayers should help her feel more loved.

Please, September refreshments committee, get ready! I've attached that list, too. The August folks either forgot or did not show. October refreshments-- we are considering joining the Man-to-Man ministry for a special cancer awareness program. We're asking you to step up and help prepare/serve the food that will be purchased by that program. If approved, by meeting time, I will let you know. We will be working with Rev. Williams on that. He has already talked to some of us who are cancer survivors who may want to share testimonies.

I am attaching a phone tree which is not complete along with the hospitality guidelines again. I have printed some for the folks without email, this time. The phone tree is for those with email to phone those with email---and those who are less likely to look at their email for whatever reason.

In order for us to get some of our younger sisters out, I'd like to start a child care committee for those who feel led to run it. I'd suggest those who use it offer a donation of a few dollars each time for those who sit with the children. Some people do not come out because of their children or grandchildren and this way they can be involved. I'd like to see it rotated so that the same people will not watch the children all the time. I've seen this done at several organizations that I've been a part so I believe we can do it.

I'm also suggesting that for our older sisters who no longer drive, that we think of carpooling from the different neighborhoods.  Meanwhile, I've sent out an email to those very young sisters, formally active sister, and older sister to encourage them to consider being an active part of our Mount Pilgrim Sisterhood.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday!

Kathy Michael

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Ms. Kathy's Kids Blog:

From: Kathy Michael <>
To: Diane Banks <>; Mary Beauchamp <>; Danette Goree-Brazier <>; "" <>; Jerutha Cannon <>; Carolyn Davis <>; Marion Davis <>; Dorothy Davis <>; Dr. Grant Diggs <>; Betty Dixon <>; Nona Haynes <>; Louise Horton <>; 'Sheral Kellar' <>; Drusilla King <>; Betty Kiper <>; "" <>; Katherine Lights <>; Jayne Massenberg <>; Vallery Mattire <>; "" <>; Crystal McKnight <>; Renita McKnight <>
Cc: Willistine McKnight <>; Kathy <>; Irma Miller <>; Myra Miller-Jenkins <>; 'Edith Mims' <>; Barbara Morgan <>; Elaine Phillips <>; Melissa Porter <>; Johnita Scott <>; Wynett Smith <>; Marva Spears <>; Dedra Stevenson <>; Elmira Wicker <>; Carolyn Williams <>; Annette Yancy <>
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 3:29 PM
Subject: Sisterhood Meeting

A 'Sisterhood' Request


Dear Sisters in Christ,

I'm contacting you concerning the Sisterhood ministry because as a member of the Mount Pilgrim family, you are a member of the Sisterhood.

I've put you on my list of sisters in one of several categories:
The first is my younger sisters who may be in college, fresh out of college or with young families. You are the future of our membership, but you have so much to offer right now. I understand that with classes new jobs and new families it may be hard to slip Sisterhood meetings into your agenda. One of the services I would like to implement is childcare during the meetings. I belong to another organization and have seen other church organizations where that duty is rotated among those with a gift for children. Those using the service would pool $2 each as a donation to those who entertain the children during meetings. You may be the sister who could implement this idea!  Those of you who are grandmothers and and have grandchildren during after school hours may need this service as well, freeing you to enjoy our activities.

The second group --and this is by no means in order of importance as all of you are-- are those who no longer drive. We are getting those active folks to look around at those who live nearby or on the way so that they can offer transportation to those sisters who need it.

The third group is those who work late and may live far away. I know that when I worked, some days I felt I may be too tired to make the meetings. Some of the activities I've been trying to get our sisters to do involve more than just coming to fellowship over dinner and go home. I'm encouraging activities that involve promoting unity and action outside of the four walls. We want to have fun activities outside of meeting dates, like bowling and meeting for dinner at restaurants but there are other service projects outside of our regular meeting times. By the way, our meeting times are only once per month on second Tuesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.  We also have a web blog where we share what is going on so that you will not miss anything.

So, Sisters in Christ, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please consider joining us at the next meeting on next Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 6:00.

Kathy Michael

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