Friday, October 9, 2015

Sisterhood 'PINK' Meeting

Subject: Sisterhood 'PINK' Meeting

Pink Peony
Good morning Sisters!

Be sure to contact your one person who doesn't have email to let her know that the next Sisterhood Ministry meeting is next Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 6:00PM. If you have not been active, consider this my invitation. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so wear pink if you have it

We will continue to collect interview clothing and toiletries for the Second-Chance re-entry program. Some nice sisters who have not been able to attend meetings have been sharing clothes and shoes.

If you missed our last meeting, you missed a wonderful time of bowling and fellowship in the Family Life Center! We're going to do it regularly outside of meeting dates.

October 13 is also the quarterly Christian Women's Connection luncheon at 11:00 AM at Oak Lodge. The cost is $22. Call Sherry to let her know you're coming at 225-362-3588 or reply to this email. We can carpool from Mount Pilgrim's parking lot.

Brother Galloway and I have already met  to get details together for Laity Day. Brother Warren Williams will be our speaker.

 Kairos Angola #60 is coming up. We'll be baking cookies at 2:00PM on October 27. If you can help out with the agape ladies at the Magnuson Hotel in St. Francisville on November 5-6, call or email me. If you'd like to see the Closing Ceremony at the prison on November 8 go to and download the 'Closing Ceremony Form' and get it to me ASAP because spaces run out and it's rodeo time.

See you Tuesday!
Kathy Michael

 P.S. Forward this email to a sister you know who needs an invitation to be active in Sisterhood from YOU! 8-)

Pink Peony
Stationery, a Yahoo Mail and Paperless Post collaboration