Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bowling With Sisterhood

Come and fellowship with us in the Family Life Center!

Mother's Day Celebration

Good afternoon, Sisters!
Since we could not have an April meeting I called for a group of ladies interested in getting our Mother's Day Celebration together. Here's what we're doing:
  • We're calling it a Mother's Day Celebration rather than a pre-Mother's Day Banquet
  • The event will be business casual.
  • Several talented young people-- all under 30-- have been asked to make 3-minute presentations to mothers.
  • Sister Elmira Wicker, with the assistance of Sister Sarah Williams, will make a special presentation in memory of mothers who are deceased. They will need 2-4 sisters to volunteer to help them at the end of it. There will also be a memorial of past presidents and a special presentation for our most recently passed former president, Sister Martha Millender. If you know where the list of all of our past presidents is, please get it to Sister Wicker, Sister Williams or me as soon as possible.
  • We will have finger food catered so that all members can enjoy the celebration.
  • Each member will receive  numbered tickets. The amount given out should be reported by May 5 so that we will have the numbers for ordering food, tokens, etc. We will not be able to accept guests without tickets. Tickets are available for distribution to members this Sunday. I'll stick around in the mall area after service to pass them to you.
  • Use tickets for your self and your family to make sure we include ourselves in the count.
  • The food will be set up by the caterer but we will need 2-4 servers among the Sisterhood volunteers.
  • Annette will contact the music ministry for 3 selections.
  • The tickets done and I will get a mock up program to send to Sister Lydia after all my young people confirm by the date I've given them.
  • We will need volunteers to do very simple decorations for the food table and perhaps a banner. Since we chose red and white flowers, I would keep that color scheme throughout.
  • We will need volunteers to tie ribbons on the roses sometime between May 5-8.
  • We will need 2-4 volunteers to check for tickets at the doors. They don't need to be taken as the numbers on them will be used for door prizes.
  • We need volunteers to bring in door prizes --preferably wrapped or in gift bags.
  • We'll follow the agenda for the program to keep the activity to between 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
  • We will need volunteers to work on the Graduates and Retirees' Breakfast ASAP.
Please share this email with the one person you're assigned to call. A flier is attached in both docx and pdf for your sharing convenience.

Kathy Michael
Mobile number 301-

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sisterhood: Forward and Call Your ONE Person without Email

Triple Border
Good evening, Sisters in Christ!
Sorry to send this out so late but I have been watching the weather. Since it is to rain until the sun goes down, I have no fear of what falls from the sky but I am concerned about flooding-- and flooding after the fact is expected and happening in some areas as I write this.

In the meantime, I have contacted some our resources for our homeless/re-entry project. Brother Checo Yancy says he is very excited about our collecting ladies clothing for resources for ladies to go on job interviews and the homeless packets. I also talked to Mrs. Susan Witherspoon, Brother Ashanti's wife. The packets will be more important to her group.

I have been in contact with several young people concerning the Mother's Day Banquet. Here's a hint: We will be working with young people under 30 to make various tribute to mom's using their talents. Email or call me if you'd like to be on MDB planning and meet with me next week. 

Then we will need about 12 sisters to volunteer for the activities presentations (working in pairs) and food coordination (can be donations) for our Sisterhood Spiritual Picnic a couple of weeks later.  

My new cell phone number (no the phone- just the number *:P tongue is 301-9582.

I love you. God loves you--  and there's nothing you can do about it.

Kathy Michael

Triple Border