Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas Potluck Dinner!

Our meeting on  Tuesday, December 11, 2018 was something special! It was the president, Kathy Michael's first time presiding since having to be out for several months after having to have a bone marrow transplant procedure to battle a rare change in lymphoma. Business was covered as usual, then the sister's enjoyed sharing the special treats each one brought to share. Much thanks to VP Sister Nona Haynes for standing in --especially for the results of October's Laity Day Program.

It was shared in the regular business discussion that minutes would be provided ahead of time in this forum to save time. Of course the minutes could still be printed for those without access to the Internet. But having the minutes read beforehand by members to approve of at the meeting would save time.

The prayer circle was formed so that every member could pray for every member. This leads to better fellowship and sets the tone of sisterhood during fellowship. After the prayers was there fellowship?! Yes, there was! The food was delicious and the conversation was delightful! The president brought a few gifts as door prizes and Sister Marjorie Nichols brought gifts for the President and Vice President.

This writer has to apologize for no photos as things got so busy between the meeting, prayer circle and chowing down of the scrumptious potluck treats!

Sister Elmira Wicker preceded her treasure's report with news of Sister Macksie Stacia. Sister Wicker visited her and said she was doing well and she misses her church family.

Now, dear reader, look over to the right and click the blue box that says "Follow by email" and each time this blog is updated, a notice will come to your email box. Also, as a Sisterhood member, feel free to comment below.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Special Meeting tonight!

You've probably already received your phone call, email, or  text. This meeting is our annual Christmas Potluck Dinner! Bring your favorite dish to share! There will be other surprises tonight, too!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Kairos Cookies

Chocolate Donut
You're invited to receive your blessings as per Matthew 25:36. Come out and help Kairos Angola members bake cookies in time for the short course for the inmates. You can also donate cookie dough, ziplock bags, cardboard boxes  and food to share with the bakers. Come to the Mount Pilgrim kitchen anytime between 4 & 8PM 11/6/18🙏
If you prefer to bake in your own kitchen, you can deliver them during the bake and just join us for the potluck meal we'll be sharing.
For more ways to help this ministry, go to
To attend the Closing Ceremony on 11/11, dowload and submit the Closing Ceremony application by this Saturday.

Chocolate Donut
Yahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Reminder

Fall Leaves
The day is finally here -- it's LAITY DAY! See you in the sanctuary at 3:00 PM!

Fall Leaves
Paperless PostYahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Reminder

Fall Leaves
The day is finally here -- it's LAITY DAY! See you in the sanctuary at 3:00 PM!

Fall Leaves
Paperless PostYahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Photos - Reminder Of Cookie Bake

Enjoy these photos from Laity Day, Sunday, October 28, 2018
Thanks again to VP Sister Nona Haynes for standing in to plan and meet with Brother Galloway of the Brotherhood. Brother Joseph Booker did an excellent talk on the purpose of the laity. Sister Myra preached on what I have been saying all along about our purpose - which is not just fellowship. Her message was God-breathed!
The last graphic is a reminder that Kairos Prison Ministry will need your cookies or your help baking cookies on tomorrow from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Laity Day and The Sisterhood Blog

Good evening Sisters!
Attached are the graphics I promised that advertise Laity Day. Use whichever you want to email to your friends, and other Mt. P family to invite them. I am posting them on our blog along with news and picture I took Tuesday.  

Please remember to add your name to our prayer chain for Kairo #65 at If you'd like to bake cookies for us, we'd be so happy. You do not have to come out to the church to bake. It's fine to bake at home. We do not have a cookie bake day set yet. To learn more ways you can help, please visit the Kairos Angola website at
I'm glad to be back...and whether it's reciprocated or not, I love you and there is nothing you can do about it!
Kathy Michael

 Pictures from last Tuesday's Meeting

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Meeting Reminder

Tonight is 2nd Tuesday and that means SISTERHOOD MEETING!
Be sure to put your email address in the blank to subscribe. Enter your comments for things you'd like to see. Pictures from activities will be posted here too.
The next activity is Laity Day on October 23.
The prison ministry has a Kairos weekend November 8-11, 2018. Please join the prayer vigil at The cookie bake is TBA but you can bake and bring cookies from home if you like. For more information on this and other ways to assist us please go to