Monday, November 5, 2018

Kairos Cookies

Chocolate Donut
You're invited to receive your blessings as per Matthew 25:36. Come out and help Kairos Angola members bake cookies in time for the short course for the inmates. You can also donate cookie dough, ziplock bags, cardboard boxes  and food to share with the bakers. Come to the Mount Pilgrim kitchen anytime between 4 & 8PM 11/6/18🙏
If you prefer to bake in your own kitchen, you can deliver them during the bake and just join us for the potluck meal we'll be sharing.
For more ways to help this ministry, go to
To attend the Closing Ceremony on 11/11, dowload and submit the Closing Ceremony application by this Saturday.

Chocolate Donut
Yahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Reminder

Fall Leaves
The day is finally here -- it's LAITY DAY! See you in the sanctuary at 3:00 PM!

Fall Leaves
Paperless PostYahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Reminder

Fall Leaves
The day is finally here -- it's LAITY DAY! See you in the sanctuary at 3:00 PM!

Fall Leaves
Paperless PostYahoo Mail Stationery

Laity Day Photos - Reminder Of Cookie Bake

Enjoy these photos from Laity Day, Sunday, October 28, 2018
Thanks again to VP Sister Nona Haynes for standing in to plan and meet with Brother Galloway of the Brotherhood. Brother Joseph Booker did an excellent talk on the purpose of the laity. Sister Myra preached on what I have been saying all along about our purpose - which is not just fellowship. Her message was God-breathed!
The last graphic is a reminder that Kairos Prison Ministry will need your cookies or your help baking cookies on tomorrow from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.