I received an email from Sherry of the Christian Women's Connection informing us that Sister Nona Haynes' sister went home to be with the Lord. Later I received an email from Sister Nona. She is Please send up prayers for the family as they grieve in this time of temporary separation.
Cookie Bake for Prison Ministry
With your help and donations we baked over 80 dozen cookies. My husband collected donations of over $100. If you were one of those persons be sure to send us your address as the ministry is bound to send formal thank you letters and we don't want our Mount Pilgrim family to be left out.
Graduates and Retirees Breakfast
We have the gifts, the speaker and the program. Now it's time to assign other jobs. Someone will have to take Sister Nona's duties as well as mine at the event. Sooooo, I will need to assign folks since I'm assuming that is why there were no volunteers in a timely manner.
- Sisters Mary Garner and Sister Elmira Wicker - talk with Sister Lofton about the breakfast. The last time she told me not to get everything but to add to what she already had. After that, will you please get the food and I will sign off on it. I hope doing it this way is within our regs.
- Sister Melissa Porter - please see if Sister Lofton will need help with the extra load in the kitchen.
- Sister Peggy Wallace - can you please do your thing with a little light decorating?
- Sister Sarah Williams - Welcome/Purpose.That will include a I have a note that Sister Nona was to read in my absence.
- Sister McKnight - We'd like for your grandchildren to do the Mission/Vision Statements and the opening prayer.
- Sister Scruggs would you introduce the speaker? Contact Sister Annette Yancy for information about him.
- Sister Dorothy Davis - I have asked my husband to contact Pastor Blake about blessing the food. If he cannot do this, I would like for you to do it.
I would hope that the rest of you will jump in and help these sisters and - and consider anything I have not covered.
Continue to be in prayer for the God-breathed ministry that you are all sick of hearing me talk about as that is where I was previously committed to be for the Lord.
Continue to be in prayer for the God-breathed ministry that you are all sick of hearing me talk about as that is where I was previously committed to be for the Lord.
I love you. God loves you-- and there's nothing you can do about it.