The following students were discussed as being grads:
Kadeja (sp) [Sister Carolyn Mack's granddaughter]
M Broadway
C Holder
S LaFleur
No retirees were known about.
The program will be via Zoom, recorded into WMM and saved with an unlisted YouTube link.
On the program agenda:
- Music
- Opening prayer
- Mission/Vision Statements
- Introduction(s)
- Speaker(s) -- Earlier grads from Mt. P . Suggested: R/ McKnight, C. Fountain, D. Williams [2-3 minutes]
- Video/Slide Show Tribute to Grads and retirees
- Closing Prayer
- Call to Discipleship
When: Second Tuesday - June 9, 2020 [regular Sisterhood meeting time]
Publicity Needed:
- Post to Mount Pilgrim's Facebook groups and page
- Web site
Other Jobs Needed (for SH Members to Do:
- Background agenda to post as share during the program and to email
- Flyers for Emailing
- Pick and purchase book as gift for grads and retirees
- Collect donations (no money is in the budget for the program) for the gifts; might be some in our PC. [I usually go to Lightway Book and Bible for the latest religious read. Everyone should already have their own Bible. Have books delivered to church office where honorees can pick them up. No personalizations/inscriptions this year.