Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sister Jackie Wright's Family

I received this message from Sister Garner last evening. Then my email crashed! Sister Jackie Wright was sent a card for the home-going of her sister. The service is tomorrow at 11AM at Antioch Baptist Church on Mickens Road.

The church's (Antioch Baptist Church) address:
6538 Mickens Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70811
  • Cross Streets: Between D'Juanna Dr and Willow Springs Ave
  • Neighborhoods: Greenwell Springs/Central Area
(225) 357-9717
Please be sure to register your email address or click the confirmation link in the email from our blog at
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Yahoo Maps, Driving Directions, Satellite View and Traffic. Rated the best online mapping experience.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Meeting Notes

Good morning, Sisters!
There has been so much going on since our last meeting so I apologize for taking so much time to get this report to you all. Here goes!

We reviewed the Graduates and Retirees breakfast, which went relatively well considering there was not as much publicity as we had hoped. I've been handing out the Bibles that were left as I see graduates at different church events--even the ones that were left over and personalized from last year! I was approached with 3 more names and I had to get a couple more after the store had replenished their supply. We decided to ask for a little more money because the cost of the food and the Bibles/devotionals was greater than the $300 budgeted for it. Also the folks who volunteer to cook should include buying the food as part of their duties as cooks.
Below is a list of folks who have not receive their Bibles/devotionals yet. I've seen a few of them when I did not have the bibles with me so now I keep them in my car in case I see them at church. I will bring them in with me and take them to my HGFC (room 111). I will be out of town next Sunday, however.

Graduates-High School Darren Ellis, Jr., Rachel Philson
 College Sabrina Stansberry
 Retirees: Cassandra Bilberry, Ronnie Blake

COURTESY/HOSPITALITY: Sister Lights was sent a card and $25. A card and $25 was sent to the family of Sister Mildred Stevenson. We received a card of thanks from the Stevenson family. I like to take a picture of these things to share with you all but I didn't take one of this one. I'll pass it around at our July meeting. Below you will see that flowers were sent to First Lady Verta Bilberry. Sister Garner has been added to hospitality committee. Courtesy guidelines attached.

CONFERENCE: Too late to get a replacement for the president to attend so we agreed to make sure a Sisterhood rep attends next year.

The original Devotional Message list seems to be MIA so we came up with this list until December:
JULY- Marjorie Nichols; AUGUST- Sarah Williams; SEPT.- Ella Early (?); NOV.- Annette Yancy; DEC.- POTLUCK
Reply to this email if you'd like to be added to the Devotional Message list. Present in anyway that you feel led, however limit the time to 4 minutes.

These are the folks for JULY: 
  1. Jerutha Cannon
  2. Willistine McKnight
  3. Kathy Michael
  4. Melissa Porter
  5. Annette Yancy
We decided to start again with the serving list and revise it since we have some people who are serving alone due to members being MIA for one reason or another. I am believing that those who are not on the sick and shut-in list will be back if we make a concerted effort to remind them to come back with us--so I left some of them on the serving list which is attached. Members present at the June meeting had first choice.

: The next luncheon is July 8. There will be a fashion show based on money saving finds. If you have not been to one of these 'ladies only' lunches, you need to make it a point to get to one as they are filling both spiritually and 'tummy-wise.' They start at 11:00 at Oak Lodge and the meal is $22. Contact Sister Nona Haynes for more info. Hurry! as they need to know how you will participate by July 4th.

DISCIPLESHIP WEEKEND RETREAT: Renita McKnight gave an awesome report of what she experienced. If you'd like the same experience, the next retreat is Friday-Sunday, August 8-10. For the application/brochure, click one of these links:


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Kairos Outside is for ladies 20 years old and older who have an incarcerated loved one. If that is you or someone you know email me or Sister Carol Spisak ( There is a special weekend being held for these ladies mid-September.  This will be my first time helping to host one. If you're interested in being on a team, contact Sister Spisak. Team meetings start next week. Guest inquiries and attendance is held in strictest confidence.


Kairos Outside
Kairos Outside   "Relieve the trouble of my heart and bring me out of my distress." Psalm 25:17  

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  Decorations and Photos: Sister Peggy Wallace agreed to continue decorating and we accepted her doing this service for whenever she feels led. We don't want it to be a burden. However, we also decided that we need to take more photos of our events and use our web blog as our online scrapbook. We do many good things that need to be recorded. Volunteers for event photography: Peggy, Marjorie, Kathy.

Sisterhood Blog: It is much easier to update a blog rather than try to email the group and it is much more 21st Century. If you have not joined our blog please go to Mount Pilgrim Sisterhood Ministry. Scroll down on the right side. There are two ways to join and make sure you receive updates. Click "JOIN THIS SITE" or under that type your email address in the space that says "FOLLOW BY EMAIL." Even without email, this page can be accessed with computer access.

That ^ is a lot to digest today-- but it shows you that we got a lot done during the June meeting. Remember that if a new sister or one that has stopped coming arrives with a card (attached) with your name on it you could win a prize!

Feel free to share with a friend who does not have email.

Our July meeting is scheduled for July 8.

Kathy Michael