Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Last Night's Meeting

We had another wonderful time. We discussed what our children are not learning in schools any more concerning etiquette at the table, on the phone and in general conversations--and that some of these things will have an effect on their chances for employment.

For instance, after graduating from college and trying to join the job market, employers often invite potential employees out for a working lunch . A working knowledge of table etiquette could be the deciding factor in a young employable's receiving a position in their company.  We agreed that the basics should be taught at home with refinement and support of those skills at school. However, schools these days do not allow time for it as teachers have duty-free lunch and do not sit with the children anymore. Besides that cafeterias and the way the food is prepared  and served is set up to save time and money. The regular cooking staff we had when we were in school may still be employed but the job has changed to "food warmer" as the lowest bidding contracted companies serve prepared foods in Styrofoam containers with plastic "sporks" alongside milk in a bag. The children have a whopping 25 minutes to wolf down their food while their teachers usually have 20 minutes to drop the kids off, eat, then pick them up fro the cafeteria.

Children are not learning basic table settings. Families have busy after-school activities. However, it is up to us as parents and grandparents to keep the instructions flowing. My daughter and I would take down the "good dishes" once a month and have a sit-down evening meal. Even if you take the time to do it only once every other month, it's better than not teaching them at all. We've all got to work on it. In my Brown/Daisy Girl Scout troop I used to teach table setting by having my girls make place mats with the place settings drawn on one side.

Hand outs were passed out for each attendee to use with our young folks. Included in the packet were reminders of using telephone etiquette and conversational etiquette. Again, these things should take future employment in mind. Sister Wicker reminded us that placing weirdly inappropriate names in our email addresses--particularly those that must appear on a resume should be taken into consideration. One can devise email addresses from many free services so encourage young people to set up a separate professional email account for business.

We also spoke of the art of listening when we spoke of conversation. Being able to listen is a Christian act of showing love. Actually listening to another shows that person you care instead of peppering "me-too-isms" and thinking of something to add about yourself while the other person is speaking.

Fellowship dinner will be next Tuesday March 17 at Applebee's on Airline at 6:30PM.
The New Venture production of Annie, we spoke of earlier, when the auditions were underway will be on stage March 27-29, 2020. Bring your favorite youngster. We will go to the March 27 showing for 7:30PM. Please respond if you will attend. You can purchase tickets at this link:

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Second Tuesday is Near but Thursday is Sooner

Don't forget that this meeting, March 10, is potluck and that we will bring a young one you know will benefit from our mini- etiquette workshop that this meeting will be. First Lady Izetta Blake will be at the meeting with a plea of volunteerism for the Sisterhood.

Also, I received a request from Sister Izetta to ask all of you to gather with her on Thursday evening, March 5, at 7PM the church about a very important task and help in preparing for a special women's conference.