Wednesday, December 18, 2019

From My Facebook Post: Where Our Gifts Lie

My Facebook Post

It's been a whirl-wind week. It's been a whirl-wind month. Getting our Sisterhood to lead a drive for care packages for the homeless was a major project. Usually, this time of year I have my own project and I let others know in case they feel led to help. But this year, the Lord put it on my heart to ask this ministry to lead in ministry work for the 'least of these': Those who don't necessarily sit on the pews beside us where some of us drop our 'church duties.' The enemy wanted to make it difficult because I have a few friends who are steeped in the traditions that have nothing to do with Jesus. Exchanging gifts and eating is fun but accomplishes not much more than holiday calories and more dust collectors for the shelves. 

Besides my braille learner who I see every day, a few more children were added to my roll at three different schools. I usually spend more time than the part-time I am hired to work because-- especially with my braille student-- my kids need that. Then I go home and take my mother wherever she needs to go to keep her from driving herself. Between us, my daughter and I try to watch her diet --which she doesn't think exists-- and especially the meds she has to take four times daily. I also check in on my husband who has to stay with the pets because I can't until the doctors say I can.  I mention these things because some folks think I'm home all day wearing my germ mask and pajamas thinking up unorthodox, unconventional stuff for us to do in the Sisterhood Ministry while they have work, family and holiday prepping. Some folks have mentioned to me how busy they are during the holiday season and what they do and do not have time to do-- but mostly how they prefer to use their time. 

The goal was simple care packages in gallon size ziplock bags for 25 -50  people. The most needed items for folks actually on the street were researched on line and inspired by a conversation and example of a few years ago of my SABS, Linda Gregg. That's why we're SABS-- Separated At Birth Sisters! #LikeMindsinJesusIQandHeart 
The end result was over 60 care packages for the homeless!  I heard from people inside and outside of our church who were of the same mind to do something for "the least of these." They came through more than I could imagine...yet how God can imagine! My Kairos BFF Cindy not only signed up but asked to come help assemble the packages. Another sister, new to the area asked me to look out for her husband who was hand delivering their donation. Another sister-- my S.I.S. Sister in Spirit-- had packages mailed from Florida.  After our night of package assembling, I received calls and messages that it was the best time in working for the Lord. Folks that came out were not watching the clock but remained until every bag that could be packed was packed and every 30 gallon tub was filled to capacity with care packages. Another thing I've learned over the years was that good times are to be had in working and laughing together. I think that is another reason why Kairos Prison Ministry [I knowis so addictive. God makes sure to put joy upon our hearts while we do His work. 

My mother's car wouldn't hold everything with my mother and daughter, too, so Cindy took one of the 30 gallon tubs. We would get together and drop the packages at the Bishop Ott shelter. My mother wanted to go the very next day so we went after I left work. We landed at a pinkish building that was fairly locked up and enclosed by a cast iron fence. The gate to its parking was open so we pulled in. I asked a lady how to get inside to a main office or something. She went to one side while I went to the other. The doors of the building were locked until it was time for those who had space to go to sleep. My mother and I gave some care packages to the young lady and the others with whom she was waiting.

She told us there was another office across the street where families stayed. A small group of people in blue T-shirts was unloading bundles of blankets from the back of a side panelled truck. Just as I turned the car to face the gate, a school bus arrived. A number of elementary aged children in burgundy and blue school uniforms got off the bus and went inside. One of the little boys was already at the truck asking if he could help. He grabbed a bundle and followed a man inside. One of the ladies told me where the office was and a man was coming out the front. He had just locked the office but said I could unload where I was. The little boy came back out and offered to help. I asked him if he wanted a package. He took one but gave the snacks to my mother because, he said he was not allowed to have food in the room where he would need to go to get his homework done. 
The last tub was too heavy for me to take any further than a few steps at a time. A man with two bundles of blankets took it in for me. He wouldn't let me carry the blankets. He laughed when I 'Ooohed' at his carrying two bundles of blankets on top of that heavy tub.

While we unloaded the tubs and blankets I had a nice talk with one of the ladies who worked there. She said she was familiar with our church because she sang in 4th District with Valerie-- one of our church music ministry leaders. She said she was very happy to see that there were women there who wanted to help the folks in the shelter.  She said they always need folks to help the kids. I asked her about items for kids' care packages. They always need socks and underwear. One of the brothers had made sure to include children's size gloves in his donation! 

I had a nice chat with a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old who were being guided in their homework by a lady who let them take a little break to talk to me. I noticed that the children were well-behaved,  well-taken care of and seemed to be in good spirits... considering. I want to go back. I would love to be able to help with homework. 
The next day, Cindy said she was fine going there with her husband to drop off the last tub. Everything that people brought to me after we assembled the packages will be dropped off on Thursday afternoon or early Friday. 

If we'd preferred to exchange gifts and have a big dinner, we'd have the slight memory mixed with all the dinners we've had year after year. We'd have the memory of that delicious cake Sister Somebody brought in because she always brings a delicious cake. We'd have the memory of that horrible recipe I just can't believe Sister Somebodyelse brought with the nerve to think that er'body should want to ingest that gastronomically alien 'delicacy.' If we were of the sort to have a party where we all drank and had to depend on the size of the next day's headache and a friend to tell us what kind of fun we had, just think of what we would have missed! If we were not of the sort with others in mind besides ourselves, we would not know the blessed connection we received from finding joy in hands clasped together in His work-- the way He intended. If we were of the mind where this one has to have credit for the part she played while that one wants her name called so that everyone knows what a terrific person she is--as she is probably already reminded everyone many times over, we wouldn't have had the joy of going around the room and noticing every hand in action and every smile that expressed the same unity in joy. 

You weren't there? Well, you were sick, or busy, or had another engagement, or you forgot. That's alright. Stuff happens. I know you'll be with us next year... and you still have other ways to be of service and be blessed. Still, somebody else wasn't there for reasons we must pray for her/them about. Pray for that sister who had decided before we even started that she was not going to participate because we broke with tradition. Pray for that sister that didn't come because she didn't want to work with the other sister(s)... and for the one that didn't think she had anything to bring. Pray for that sister who will find fault in any activity she didn't think of or lead all by that we could praise her second after God. Pray, because doubt, fear, confusion is planted by the enemy and we want better--light, unity, love, sisterhood, GOD-- among us.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Last Night

The Brits say we Americans overuse the word AWESOME. But that is the only way to describe last night's meeting. It was a working night experience for the Lord--and no one was watching the clock as I couldn't chase anyone out past the usual meeting time. These ladies wanted to get things DONE-- and we had a wonderfully blessed time assembling care packages for the homeless.
I believe we had enough donated items to make at least 50 bags. I am sorry if you missed it but you missed an AWESOME time in the Lord!
These pictures show the beginning stages of putting the items out on the tables. We got so busy that I couldn't take any at the middle or near the end. Everything that did not get into bags will be taken with the bags at the Bishop Ott Shelter-- because someone can use it!
Yes, we will do it again next year and yes it will be an even BIGGER drive!

Oh, yes! Our next outing is to see Black Nativity. Go to this link and order your ticket(s) for the Saturday 7PM showing:
If you would rather contact the box office for tickets , go to LSU Shaver Theatre
Louisiana State University
105 Music and Dramatic Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
or telephone 225 588 7576

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Good morning!

I realize some of you may be tired of hearing from me; however I want to keep the Lord's work at the forefront of your minds and not on the back burner. The enemy will find all manner of ways to distract us. For instance, I had planned on yesterday as our day-- my daughter's, my mother's, and mine-- as the day for us to shop for the items we pledged for the homeless care package drive. My mother wanted to get some ornament hooks. She is limited in the places to where she should drive after about an hour-and-a-half I went looking for her and found her still in a store and with a much larger shopping list. I helped her to check out, load up her car, and I got back in my  car thinking she was following me home. She was not. I went into a semi-panic mode but she arrived home safely not long after. It was later than I'd planned but the three of us went shopping together for items for the homeless and came home after dark.
The way God works, although it was later than I'd planned, it was the right time. I looked on my phone to find that someone else had been shopping! A person who pledged also mentioned our project to this person they knew would be gung-ho for it, sent a picture with the message that said that they went through the list on line and bought everything that was in the blank spaces. Everything!

It's still not too late for you to participate. Although our list is filled, you can still donate items and help us put the packets together at Sisterhood meeting on this Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00 PM. Also be prepared to share potluck treats as we will munch and work simultaneously.

YSIC, Doing the Lord's Work,
Kathy Michael

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mid-Week Reminder--a Day Later

Good morning! It's me again! 

I try to send midweek reminders so pardon this message a day late. Yesterday, I stayed late at work so I could get some lessons done ahead of time for my braille student. Then, I stopped at the car place, picked up my mother after making sure she had her mid-day meds. After that I took my  daughter to pick up her prescription; saw some church family at the post office; picked up something to eat for family; stopped at the bank; paid a couple of bills at places that were in route; cancelled a meeting with a friend and moved some items from my car to my mother's that my S.I.S. (Sister In Spirit) sent from Florida for the packets for the homeless. Oh, and I saw a few items on the homeless packet list when I took my daughter to Dollar Tree! What a blessed find, I thought! 

I have to go into certain stores at certain times--run in and run out-- because of the neutropenia (susceptibility to germs) I still have after having a stem cell transplant and other cancer treatments. I still can't work with children under 12. No problem. I'm still blessed to be able to go places--checking on the progress of my under 12 set and teach braille in a room provided to teach braille to my middle school student. I've had to change the way I do things, but I can still do things--so I'm blessed.

I have also been blessed by others who see merit in this project for the homeless: They see Jesus' purpose.They understand what we should be about this time of year--and all year long. Not one of them has asked for a voucher, for their names to be mentioned on a program, for any recognition--they just want to help. Rather than complaints, they have offered up ideas to make it a better project for next year! People from other churches have jumped in to help-- people who have their own church projects, jobs, families, and shopping to do for the holidays. Still, in their busy lives with their full schedules they have taken time to do what Christ would have all of us do. They. Made. A. Choice.

So when I get a couple of messages that say, "I'm just too busy to do all that extra work" or the message of silence from a couple of God's children who have made it clear in their silence that they are not in accordance with this project, I'm not thinking anything except that everyone makes their own choice: Some are about what Jesus would do... others dwell on their discomfort with change... and still others make it a personal thing. If you're feeling discouraged by these types of negative attitudes, please don't give the minority vision any thought. Continue to be about God's business with your eyes on HIM-- not on THEM. [I believe that will preach!]

Continue on, please, by offering opportunities to others to participate. Please share the link:
For those who are technologically challenged, please fill out the blanks at SignUp Genius for them. If you're one of those people, ask me and I will help you fill it out.

Next Tuesday, December 10, is Sisterhood Meeting and the day we will  assemble the packets. We will have our potluck treats and our prayer circle.  We will also have guests who have asked if they could come to help with the packets. Lord willing, I will see you all there.

YSIC, In Jesus' Name,
Sister Kathy

Monday, December 2, 2019

Care Packages for the Homeless -- Up Date

I've been blessed by the cooperation from people with our drive! The hearts of Christians who want to do the Christlike thing to celebrate why He came is quite moving! There are people who do not attend our church who have contributed and some who have asked to help assemble the care packages with us next week. One of my friends with a visual impairment is chomping at the bit to help. She couldn't see well enough to add her own name so she called and told me what item she will donate. My SIS (Sister in Spirit) from Florida has sent several boxes from Amazon filled with several items including nail clippers, deodorant, sanitary pads, etc.

I've had a few calls from folks who cannot figure out the site at SignUp Genius but what they have done is called or texted to tell me what they'd like to sign up to bring and I add their names next to the items they volunteer to bring.
Some folks want to donate money. I'd prefer NOT to handle money at this time but perhaps next year when we do this BIGGER. I'd also prefer not to get money donated to YOU or from you. The focus of the drive will become ME shopping for you instead of YOU receiving your blessings from the sacrifice of effort in giving.

For the technologically impaired, I have viewed the list to see what slots are still available. These are items to concentrate on for donations or-- if you have been trying to decide up to now-- fill yourself:

  • 2 pr gloves -- 24 slots
  • 3 boxes of 8-10 ct granola bars -- 6 slots
  • peanut butter/cheese cracker snacks -- 1 slot
  • a box of band-aids -- 3 slots
  • 3 boxes quart-sized zip-lock storage bags -- 2 slots
  • 1-3 pk chapsticks -- 14 slots
  • 2 large bags of trail mix -- 6 slots

At our meeting on December 10, we will assemble the packs while we enjoy our potluck. We will also have our prayer circle. 
Go on line or call 225 588 7576 to get your tickets ordered for the New Venture Theater's production of Black Nativity--the December 14 showing at 7PM.

Two more requests. You know what they are:

  1. On the computer view of this site you will see a box to type in your email address in the right side bar. Do that and get a notice every time this site is updated. --->
  2.  Forward this message to your contact list... and tell someone who has no email or cell phone.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Care Packages for the Homeless and Black Nativity

Don't forget to get others to sign up for donating to the Care Packages for the Homeless drive.  The shortened link for easy sharing is


  • Can other things can be donated besides those on the list? YES. As long as it is something that can fit inside the gallon size zip-lock bag.
  • Can people outside of Mount Pilgrim can donate? YES! I have an SIS (Sister in Spirit) who lives in Florida and she is sending donations by mail. 
  • Can people donate money instead? We'd prefer not to gather funds at this time. Perhaps in a future drive we will be set up for that. This time it's about putting your feet and hands to work in the Lord's service. Handling money at this time may take away from the focus of giving. Let's make this a successful drive so that it becomes a tradition in celebrating the REAL reason Christ was incarnated in flesh. Please come out and help us assemble the bags on December 10, 2019 during Sisterhood meeting. You don't have to be a regular attendee or a female to be present and help.
  • How will you get the packs to the homeless? There are a couple of very generous men for whom the welfare of the homeless is a personal ministry. The packets will be delivered to one or both of their organizations. Perhaps later we can go out in groups and hand deliver. It's 
  • How was the list of items devised? Not only do I have friends who make packets, I researched things needed for homeless packets. The items asked for occur on most lists I found.
  • Will the SignUp Genius web site use my email address for marketing? No. You should only receive an automatic reminder from the program. Unless you leave a question in the comments which comes to the drive author --me-- for me to reply to you. My reply will come to your mailbox without my seeing your email address.

If you should have a question or concern about our Care Packages for the homeless drive, please place them in the comments section below this post.

Black Nativity
Remember to order your tickets for the New Venture Theater's production of Langston Hughes' Black Nativity. Choose the Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM showing at this link:

We will meet in the south side parking lot of the church to consolidate rides for a carpool.

Now, look in the right sidebar (if you're on your 'pyooter') --> and fill in the "Follow by Email" box with your email address. You will be notified automatically each time this site is updated.


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Homeless Care Packages

Good morning Sisters!

Here are the instructions for our care packages for the homeless:

  1. Go to the address below either on your phone, tablet, or computer. Scroll below the intro to find the list of items we need to serve God by serving the homeless.
  2. Chose 3 items that you will supply for our packets. If you will notice, if 50 of one item are needed, for example, the slot may say that you should supply 5 of that item while 10 more slots are available for ten more people to sign up to supply 5 of that item as well.
  3. After you have chosen 3 places to sign up, provide an opportunity for 10 people to receive their blessings by asking them to choose something from the list to contribute. Message them, call them, talk to them in person. To make it easier to remember the link has been shortened to an easy-to-remember address at

    4. Collect the items in time for our next meeting at 6:00 PM on December 10, 2019.                 You  may ask your signers to bring them there instead of hauling to the meeting.
    5. At the December meeting while we enjoy our Christmas meal, and before we do our            annual prayer circle, we will assemble the care packs in gallon-size zip-lock bags.              [We might have time to weave sleep mats from plastic shopping bags. But if that is            something you'd like to start now to include with the packets, click here for the                  YouTube tutorial.] 
     6.  Write an uplifting message on an index card for each recipient. If you'd like to be              one of the folks who helps to deliver the packages I will let you know when one of              the gentlemen who will helping lets me know where it is best to meet them.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sisterhood Meeting &Thanksgiving Potluck

Tomorrow we will have meeting and our annual potluck to celebrate.
The items for the homeless packets will be discussed again but for tomorrow bring non-perishable items --two meal packs, two cans, or a meal pack and a can-- for our food bank box.

Next month for our Christmas gathering we decided to celebrate why Christ came instead of a birthday for which we expect gifts for ourselves. We will still bring food to munch on while we work joyously in this best of celebrations. For our homeless packets we will complete 24 packets of the following items:

  • socks
  • bottled water
  • gallon size zip-lock bags
  • granola bars
  • toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • trial sizes of lotion
  • trial sizes of non-aluminum deodorant
  • trial size soap
  • wipes
  • peanut butter or cheese crackers
  • handwritten notes from us
  • dental floss 
  • chap-stick
  • fruit snacks
  • applesauce

Addendum: I forgot to mention our trip to the New venture Theater production of Langston Hughes' Black Nativity. If you would like to get your tickets on line-- I believe we agreed on Saturday Dec. 14 at 7:30PM.

Tonight I will bring my tablet and my laptop so that any of you who wishes to purchase a ticket on line may do so. You can also use your smart phone. Bring your debit or credit card for assistance.

As usual, please forward this message... and make sure that a sister who has neither an email address nor a mobile phone gets the message.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Last Laity Day Reminder

Those who wanted to volunteer to help Sister Melissa Porter with serving at the repast be sure to do so ASAP if you have not already. Thanks in advanced.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Laity Day Reminder and Volunteer Request

Some of you received your mid-week reminder of Laity Day via the Remind App or straight text yesterday. My computer was not cooperating for an email text. Ask me for the Remind link via text or email if you did not receive it.

Some of you probably got the word that a few sisters got together and donated funds for a repast. Brother Galloway and I agreed to allow this however let's not make it a habit of going on with your own plans after a decision has been made and discussed. Brother Galloway is nice enough to go ahead to ask some of the men for their donations to help out despite having the situation that I explained in our last Sisterhood meeting. Please understand that your donation is just that, a donation and is not a reimbursable expenditure. I cannot make it a requirement either; a donation is totally voluntary.

With that said, if anyone would like to volunteer their two hands to help sister Melissa Porter with the repast please contact her ASAP.

Looking at the time of my Houston appointments, I will probably be in attendance after all as I asked that the ophthalmologist review be moved back to November. 

Meanwhile, on another subject that you're tired of hearing about, not enough of my church family has signed up for the real work of God and that is to join a prayer vigil for those of us who volunteer for the prison ministry, the candidate/residents, prison staff, and guests. I cannot fathom why. But in case it was a matter of forgetting, please CLICK HERE and add your name while I have you here.

If you have not done so, look over there --> in the right sidebar where it says, "Follow by Email." Enter your email and you will automatically receive notification each time this website is updated.

Kathy Michael

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Laity Day, Cookie Bake, and Prayers

Kairos Closing Ceremony Form can be found at Print and fax your DOC application ASAP-- like today-- for the greatest God-breathed graduation you've ever seen!

Cookie baking for Kairos is at Woodlawn Baptist this time. If you have any of the other supplies for cookies we would greatly appreciate your bringing them out to WBC. A great benefactor helped purchase about $700 worth of cookie dough!

Laity Day is next Sunday. It's the turn for the men to choose and provide a male speaker-- and they have a good one! Thanks to Brother Tommy Cain for agreeing to treat us. Thanks also, to Sister Nona our VP for representing the Sisterhood in my stead as I have to go to my regularly scheduled appointments at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. I'll be with you all in spirit!

Kairos Angola #67 is still on for 10/31-11/3/2019. Please add you name to the prayer vigil at For other ways to help, please visit the Kairos Angola website at

In the space to the right---> if you haven't done so already, type your email address and you will receive notifications every time this website is updated.

As usual, please share this information with folks on your email list or with a sister you know who has neither an email address or a mobile phone number.

Kathy Michael

Friday, October 11, 2019

October Meeting and Laity Day Planning

The meeting with Brother Galloway concerning Laity Day (see last post) was discussed at Tuesday's Sisterhood meeting. Between us we were able to get most of the folks suggested for the program.
As promised, I revisited the repast for Laity Day with him as some of the ladies at the meeting suggested. It was suggested that if a repast was desired, donations should be made to provide the food since no money was allotted in the church's budget. I suggested that some donate parts of a small menu like finger sandwiches, sheet cake and punch.  Sister Nona suggested the lady who has done catering for us in the past. The last such venture with her cost about $200 or more. It was suggested that the Sisterhood members donate $10 each to make this happen and ask the Brotherhood to do the same.

However, after speaking with Brother Galloway,  it makes more sense to stick with the original plan as decided in the planning meeting. Their membership has been tapped for another event and there is not the same number of active members he had a few months ago. There were about 8 members of Sisterhood present. That would mean we could raise a possible $80-- far from what would be needed for a caterer. Original plan: No repast. Final plan: No repast.

VP Sister Nona will serve as the Sisterhood rep at Laity Day. My quarterly checkups at MD Anderson requires that I travel to Houston on that day.

The Sisterhood was informed of the program and agreed that members will wear black.

We agreed to send something for Sister Lenora Benard's services and lift Sister McKnight in prayer. We need to keep Peggy Wallace in our prayers as well.

Kairos #67 is scheduled for the end of this month. Team membership is still available. Visit the website at for the schedule and for the application. There is also an application for attending the graduation that we call "Closing Ceremony." Closing will be held on Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 2:00PM.  Sisterhood members are invited. Applications should be turned in ASAP as they must be screened and processed by DOC weeks in advance of the event.

Cookie baking will take place at Woodlawn Baptist Church this time. The address is 5805 Jones Creek Road. If you cannot bring cookie dough, parchment paper, ziplock bags, printer paper boxes, just bring willing hands and stay as long as your schedule allows. The dates are October 21 and 22.

At our November meeting, which will be on Veteran's Day, November 11 at 6:00PM, we will have a potluck dinner. Members may receive a 'Remind' text with  a link to 'SignUp Genuius .'

The next arts outing will be in December to see Langston Hugh's "Black Nativity." Go to this page and order your ticket for the December 14 showing:

We'll leave from the southern parking lot at 6:45 PM. To meet us there, the production will be at
LSU Shaver Theatre
Louisiana State University
105 Music and Dramatic Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Also for December, instead of gifts for each other, each member will be asked to bring items for packets for the homeless. Check your inbox for a Signup Genius notice. We will have another potluck and prayer circle. December 9 is the 2nd Tuesday in December.

 The membership was reminded to get calendar info/ideas to me ASAP.

If anything was left off, please reply to this post in the comments section. 
If you have not already, look to the right in the sidebar and type your email address in the "Follow by Email" space so that when this site is updated you will receive an immediate noification.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sister Lenora Benard

Message from Sister Drusilla King:

"Sister Lenora Benard passed away on Monday, October 7, 2019 at the age of 95. She was born August 5, 1924. Funeral Service will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, October 12, 2019 at Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church.
Please keep the Benard family lifted in prayer."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Laity Day and Reminder

Meeting is Tuesday, October 8 at 6:00 pm.

I  met with Brother Galloway and Brother Cain. Laity Day is on for 10/27 at 3pm. Brother Galloway and I asked Brother Cain if he would volunteer to be the speaker. With some cajoling, he agreed.

The theme is "The Disciples Coming Together." The Scripture is Hebrews 10:25.
Suggested to help: Mission/Vision statements and Great Commission-- Kiyana and Quincy McKnight.
Prayer: Deacon McGuire
Greetings/Occasion : Sister Wicker
Litany: Brother Booker
Special guest selection : Ceirra Fountain  (if possible)
Intro of Speaker: Brother Baskin
Brother Galloway will contact men. Sister Michael will contact women.
If you have missed your message or call, please contact one of us.

The only way there can have a following repast is if there are volunteers to donate and serve cake and punch. There is no money in the budget for this.

Those of you with mobile phones should have received a text to join the 'Sisterhood Remind.' You do not have to have the app on your phone to receive Remind texts. If you received the request via email, you will have to use your mobile phone to receive the messages.

As with this message and others, we need a volunteer to call the ladies who are without emails and cell phones.

If you have not done so, look in the right --> sidebar, type your email address into the "Follow By Email" box and you will automatically receive notices each time this website is updated.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reminder: Working Late Lunch at Applebee's and Team Formation

This is a reminder from our Wednesday, September 11, 2019 post which read:

"At 4:30 PM on Friday, September 27, we will have late lunch or early dinner at Applebee's Restaurant on Airline Highway at Old Hammond. We will leave the church at 4:00PM or meet you there at 4:30!"

This will be a working meal in which we need to make plans for Laity Day and next year's calendar of activities for the Sisterhood. 
There may be a volunteer sign up at Sign Up genius.

Meanwhile, there a need for more African Americans to serve more African Americans in Kairos Prison Ministry. It does not work like the devil would have you imagine but you can see how it does by attending the first team formation meeting Saturday 8:30 at First United Methodist Church 930 North Blvd. Visit the website to see more ways to help. The prayer chain link is at

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Change of Movie Venue

Some of you have heard of the news report about Movie Tavern and contacted me concerning this. I looked up the other movie venues where The Overcomer is playing. Perkins Rowe is playing later at 7:10PM. I am supposed to try to see matinees but I will see it with the group here.

 If you can help give a ride, please be at the church at 6:20. We will leave at 6:30PM.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Movie Reminder for Tomorrow

Reminder from Last Week:
"We are going to Movie Tavern to see Overcomer on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 for the 5:40 PM showing. Instructions on their website read that it is best to be there 30 minutes ahead of time to get tickets and order food. That means we will be there for 5:10 PM and leave the south church parking lot at 4:35 PM."

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sisterhood Adventures

Here's what we agreed on at last evening's meeting:

We are going to Movie Tavern to see Overcomer on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 for the 5:40 PM showing. Instructions on their website read that it is best to be there 30 minutes ahead of time to get tickets and order food. That means we will be there for 5:10 PM and leave the south church parking lot at 4:35 PM.

At 4:30 PM on Friday, September 27, we will have late lunch or early dinner at Applebee's Restaurant on Airline Highway at Old Hammond. We will leave the church at 4:00PM or meet you there at 4:30!

We will go to the New Venture Theater's production of  Langston Hughes'  Black Nativity 2:00PM Saturday, December 14, 2019 at the LSU Shaver Theater in the Music and Dramatic Arts Building. We will leave the church from the south parking lot at 1:00 PM or meet you there at 1:30 PM.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Meeting Time!

We will meet in the usual place in the Education Center. We will talk about going to see Overcomer 

at Movie Tavern either Friday or the following Tuesday and the New Venture play Black Nativity that is playing in December. Here's the link to it:


Friday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, December 14 at 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 14 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 15 at 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m.

PLEASE click join in the sidebar over there --->
and forward this message to someone who does not have a cell phone or an email address. I may have lost some mobile numbers as I've had to have my phone replaced.

Love you! See you at 6PM in the education center.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Meeting at the Movies!

This month's meeting will be held at Movie Tavern at Citiplace where we will see the acclaimed film based on a true story - Brian Banks. We should be there for 6:00PM and leave from the church to consolidate rides at 5:30PM. Remember, assisted listening devices are available.
See you at the movies tomorrow evening!
Please forward this message.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Guess What?

Sisterhood meeting tonight at 6:00 PM this evening.

Also, please inform the grads and retirees that their gift books are in the office. the names of each honoree is inscribed on the inside cover. Unfortunately my mother inadvertently kept one for Benjamin Brown. We'll make sure that he gets it.

Love you; God loves you.. and there's nothing you can do about it.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Prayers for Sister Nona and Family/Grads & Retirees, Etc.

Sister Nona
I received an email from Sherry of the Christian Women's Connection informing us that Sister Nona Haynes' sister went home to be with the Lord. Later I received an email from Sister Nona. She is Please send up prayers for the family as they grieve in this time of temporary separation.

Cookie Bake for Prison Ministry
With your help and donations we baked over 80 dozen cookies. My husband collected donations of over $100. If you were one of those persons be sure to send us your address as the ministry is bound to send formal thank you letters and we don't want our Mount Pilgrim family to be left out.

Graduates and Retirees Breakfast
We have the gifts, the speaker and the program. Now it's time to assign other jobs. Someone will have to take Sister Nona's duties as well as mine at the event. Sooooo, I will need to assign folks since I'm assuming that is why there were no volunteers in a timely manner.

  • Sisters Mary Garner and Sister Elmira Wicker - talk with Sister Lofton about the breakfast. The last time she told me not to get everything but to add to what she already had. After that, will you please get the food and I will sign off on it. I hope doing it this way is within our regs.
  • Sister Melissa Porter - please see if Sister Lofton will need help with the extra load in the kitchen.
  • Sister Peggy Wallace - can you please do your thing with a little light decorating?
  • Sister Sarah Williams - Welcome/Purpose.That will include a I have a note that Sister Nona was to read in my absence.
  • Sister McKnight - We'd like for your grandchildren to do the Mission/Vision Statements and the opening prayer.
  •  Sister Scruggs would you introduce the speaker? Contact Sister Annette Yancy for information about him.
  • Sister Dorothy Davis - I have asked my husband to contact Pastor Blake about blessing the food. If he cannot do this, I would like for you to do it.
I would hope that the rest of you will jump in and help these sisters and - and consider anything I have not covered.
Continue to be in prayer for the God-breathed ministry that you are all sick of hearing me talk about as that is where I was previously committed to be for the Lord.

I love you. God loves you-- and there's nothing you can do about it.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Volunteers Needed for G&R Breakfast and Cookie Bake/PotLuck

At our last meeting we decided on the program for the Graduates and Retirees breakfast. However, we also had limited volunteers to take care of duties that help prepare for it. I am on the next Kairos team (which culminates on the day of the program) and doing end-of-school preparation. I have had to do it alone before and it was overwhelming. Members have suggested before that I ask for help so that it what I'm doing. We will need individuals to:

  • Contact Sister Lofton about the breakfast meal. She has told me in the past that she can add to the usual breakfast but check with her on what needs to be purchased to add to what she already has; then go purchase it and bring it to the church. Save the receipt for reimbursement.
  • Decorate the Education Center on Saturday afternoon. Get with the custodian for table and chair arrangement.
  • Get the names of the honorees from the office and purchase the latest spiritual literature from the Life Way Bible shop near the Mall of Louisiana. (Everyone already has a bible).
  • Contact the proposed guest speaker and confirm his/her appearance.
If someone besides me doesn't get these things done, we cannot have the program. I will be out of town doing the Lord's real work -- working out of the hotel in St. Francisville for Kairos Angola #66. If anyone wants to help bake cookies for it, please come out any time between 3:00 and 8:00 PM .

Monday, May 13, 2019

Meeting Reminder for May

Our next meeting will be a lunch meeting at Applebee's on Airline Highway. That meeting will be at 1:00 PM instead of our usual time of 6:00 on tomorrow, Tuesday May 14.

Continue to be in prayer for our sister Dedra Stevenson and her family for the home-going of her sister and ours, Sister Marva Stevenson Spears. Keep Sister Charlotte Galloway lifted up as she has a continued journey in her fight after her bone marrow transplant. Keep my sister Carol Nichols (Denver) uplifted as she recovers from a bone marrow transplant from a week-and-a-half ago. 

Please add your name to the prayer vigil for Kairos Angola #66. Cookie bake/potluck dinner is May 21 fro 3-8:00P PM.

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See you tomorrow afternoon, God willing!


Saturday, May 4, 2019

Schedule Reminder

Just getting back from a week in Houston for two wellness check ups! These reminders are copied from last month's entry. Since they did not make it into the bulletin, please be sure to forward this message. Some updates have been made based on the weather.

  • Another date to remember is May 4. Graduates and retirees should have their names turned in to the office by then. One may also submit names in the comments box below. We'll extended the deadline date to Monday, May 6.

  • Also on May 4 at 7:30 PM the Sisterhood will attend the New Venture production of the dance musical Cookout at the LSU Shaver Theater. Admission price is $20. [ NOTICE:Supposedly the weather should be better by this evening BUT there is a flood advisory until tomorrow at 2:00PM and a tornado watch for today until 10:00AM that will may be moved to after that time. We will postpone this activity for another evening.]

  • Our next meeting will be a lunch meeting at Applebee's on Airline Highway. That meeting will be at 1:00PM instead of our usual time of 6:00 on Tuesday May 14.

  • . Graduates and retirees breakfast is the last Sunday in May which is May 26 (8:00 AM). They can also send their information as a reply to this blog entry in the comments below. We will need volunteers for the G&R Breakfast, announcements/publicity, food, etc. You can also post that in the comments section below.
  • Subscribe to this blog by submitting your email in the space provided in the sidebar to the right. -->
Continue to be in prayer for our sister Dedra Stevenson and her family for the home-going of her sister and ours, Sister Marva Stevenson Spears. Keep Sister Charlotte Galloway lifted up as she has a continued journey in her fight after her bone marrow transplant. Keep my sister Carol Nichols (Denver) uplifted as she recovers from a bone marrow transplant from a week-and-a-half ago. My family kept her grandkids for two weeks. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Astounding Sisterhood

What a productive meeting on last evening!

After the meeting was called to order, Sister Peggy led us in prayer. I lieu of a devotional I shared "Are You Ok?" based on a Bitemoji that caused me to think about folks who don't realize how blessed they are.

In our old business was the treasurer's report by Sister Elmira Wicker from her and Sister Mary Garner. Prayer request for the sick and shut in was concerning Sister Mildred Spriggins. Her daughter Antonia Spriggins had brain surgery on yesterday. Please lift her up immediately upon reading of this request.

Sister Annette Yancy suggested and gave us the synopsis of an appropriate Christian movie so the membership has decided to go to see the movie Breakthrough at the AMC on April 23, 2019. She will text the start times and I will text and email the membership. Of course each member is to forward any text or email to make sure that we reach everyone.

Our next meeting will be a lunch meeting at Applebee's on Airline Highway. That meeting will be at 1:00PM instead of our usual time of 6:00 on Tuesday May 14.

Another date to remember is May 4. Graduates and retirees should have their names turned in to the office by then. Graduates and retirees breakfast is the last Sunday in May which is May 26 (8:00 AM). They can also send their information as a reply to this blog entry in the comments below. Also on May 4 at 7:30 PM the Sisterhood will attend the New Venture production of the dance musical Cookout at the LSU Shaver Theater. Admission price is $20.

It was brought to the attention of the membership that Sister Doris Hawkins, president of the Home Mission Ministry requested that the Sisterhood participate in the prayer breakfast in May. It was decided by the membership that we would support her in attendance and that I could help her with the designing of the program that she has planned but we do not have the money in our budget to help co-sponsor it this year.

Remember that for all ventures 'off campus' those of us who live near will meet in the south parking lot of the church, at least 30 minutes prior to the event lot of the church to make sure that we can consolidate rides. This is a service that is especially for some of our more seasoned sisters who no longer drive at night or across town. Also consider picking up someone who lives near you or on the way.

Not only will I see you, Sisters, I will see your guests as you remind other sister that EVERY female at Mount Pilgrim is a member of THE  SISTERHOOD MINISTRY.

Don't forget that God loves you and I love you,
and there's nothing you can do about it! 💓

Sister Kathy

Monday, April 8, 2019

Sisterhood Reminder for April 9, 2019

Sisterhood meeting is tomorrow evening, Sisters.

I know we decided to see Green Book together but when I found the date that we could go my husband said it was already on PPV on DTV.  I'd like to suggest the just released movie starring Taraji P. Henson The Best of Enemies. It is playing at Movie Tavern which is the closets theater to us. Click the link to see a synopsis. 
Sister Doris Hawkins has called me to ask if the Sisterhood would like to participate in the Prayer Breakfast again. I informed her that we would discuss it at meeting and I would let her know what the membership says. Since I was out I was not aware if we had already chosen this activity or if we are on the calendar for Mother's Day Luncheon.
Now that it's April, it's time for lunch or dinner at Applebee's
See you tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm, Sisters!

I love you; God loves you... and there is nothing you can do about it!
Kathy Michael

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March is Disabilities Awareness Month , Famous People and Eye Care

"In 1987 President Ronald Reagan proclaimed March “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.” The deinstitutionalization movement of the seventies and early eighties had laid the foundation for significant social change, and the presidential proclamation called upon Americans to provide the “encouragement and opportunities” necessary for people with developmental disabilities to reach their potential." [Source: Special Needs Alliance website]

Famous People with Disabilities

Famous People with Visual Impairments

Common Age-Related Eye Diseases

Movies and Fellowship

We decided last night that 
1. The money we gave Sister Nona for the dinner would be a love gift to Pastor for his anniversary.
2. We would start going to eat out together in April. We will start with Appleby's on Airline Hwy. Some future restaurants for fellowship are: Lagniappe of Zachary, LaMadeline's and Olive Garden. 
3. I would find out when and where Green Book is still playing so we can decide on when to go.
4. We will try another time to go for coffee and snack at Southern Grind Cofe.
5. For every place we go we will first meet at the church to consolidate rides for those who have trouble driving at night

I found the next times for the showing of Greenbook. 

Keep an eye open for this next movie that our friend who helps with the promotion of inspirational films. I just received a notice about this one today. Sorry, I had to take out the links for it to publish properly from my email.

Subject: RSVP to Influencer Screenings and Free Resources for THE BEST OF ENEMIES

The Best of Enemies Poster
RSVP for Early FREE Screenings
& Download FREE Resources
Watch The Best of Enemies Trailer
The Best of Enemies tells the true story of Ann Atwater, a civil rights leader and Christian in Durham North Carolina who's still fighting against segregated schools - 18 years after Brown vs. the Board of Education. Ann gets talked into being a co-chair on a of a school integration committee with CP Ellis, the local head of the Klan. Naturally, sparks fly. Ann realizes that her anger - while totally justified - is getting her nowhere, so she turns to kindness as the Bible instructs us. And that decision to "love her enemy" changes everything. This official pastor resource site includes a sermon on "how to love your enemies" and clips from the film as visual illustrations.

Sister Peggy Wallace announced that Sisters Supporting Sisters is hosting "Lunch in Your PJs" at Camphor Memorial Methodist Church on April 6, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. The theme is "Health, Wellness and Me."
By the way, those photos Peggy took at the anniversary dinner for Sister Bilberry have been uploaded to the previous post.

That's all for now. Oh,  except that you should look over there ⇨ in that sidebar and put your email address in the box that has "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" above it.

God loves you; I love you, and there's nothing you can do about it!

Kathy Michael