Wednesday, December 18, 2019

From My Facebook Post: Where Our Gifts Lie

My Facebook Post

It's been a whirl-wind week. It's been a whirl-wind month. Getting our Sisterhood to lead a drive for care packages for the homeless was a major project. Usually, this time of year I have my own project and I let others know in case they feel led to help. But this year, the Lord put it on my heart to ask this ministry to lead in ministry work for the 'least of these': Those who don't necessarily sit on the pews beside us where some of us drop our 'church duties.' The enemy wanted to make it difficult because I have a few friends who are steeped in the traditions that have nothing to do with Jesus. Exchanging gifts and eating is fun but accomplishes not much more than holiday calories and more dust collectors for the shelves. 

Besides my braille learner who I see every day, a few more children were added to my roll at three different schools. I usually spend more time than the part-time I am hired to work because-- especially with my braille student-- my kids need that. Then I go home and take my mother wherever she needs to go to keep her from driving herself. Between us, my daughter and I try to watch her diet --which she doesn't think exists-- and especially the meds she has to take four times daily. I also check in on my husband who has to stay with the pets because I can't until the doctors say I can.  I mention these things because some folks think I'm home all day wearing my germ mask and pajamas thinking up unorthodox, unconventional stuff for us to do in the Sisterhood Ministry while they have work, family and holiday prepping. Some folks have mentioned to me how busy they are during the holiday season and what they do and do not have time to do-- but mostly how they prefer to use their time. 

The goal was simple care packages in gallon size ziplock bags for 25 -50  people. The most needed items for folks actually on the street were researched on line and inspired by a conversation and example of a few years ago of my SABS, Linda Gregg. That's why we're SABS-- Separated At Birth Sisters! #LikeMindsinJesusIQandHeart 
The end result was over 60 care packages for the homeless!  I heard from people inside and outside of our church who were of the same mind to do something for "the least of these." They came through more than I could imagine...yet how God can imagine! My Kairos BFF Cindy not only signed up but asked to come help assemble the packages. Another sister, new to the area asked me to look out for her husband who was hand delivering their donation. Another sister-- my S.I.S. Sister in Spirit-- had packages mailed from Florida.  After our night of package assembling, I received calls and messages that it was the best time in working for the Lord. Folks that came out were not watching the clock but remained until every bag that could be packed was packed and every 30 gallon tub was filled to capacity with care packages. Another thing I've learned over the years was that good times are to be had in working and laughing together. I think that is another reason why Kairos Prison Ministry [I knowis so addictive. God makes sure to put joy upon our hearts while we do His work. 

My mother's car wouldn't hold everything with my mother and daughter, too, so Cindy took one of the 30 gallon tubs. We would get together and drop the packages at the Bishop Ott shelter. My mother wanted to go the very next day so we went after I left work. We landed at a pinkish building that was fairly locked up and enclosed by a cast iron fence. The gate to its parking was open so we pulled in. I asked a lady how to get inside to a main office or something. She went to one side while I went to the other. The doors of the building were locked until it was time for those who had space to go to sleep. My mother and I gave some care packages to the young lady and the others with whom she was waiting.

She told us there was another office across the street where families stayed. A small group of people in blue T-shirts was unloading bundles of blankets from the back of a side panelled truck. Just as I turned the car to face the gate, a school bus arrived. A number of elementary aged children in burgundy and blue school uniforms got off the bus and went inside. One of the little boys was already at the truck asking if he could help. He grabbed a bundle and followed a man inside. One of the ladies told me where the office was and a man was coming out the front. He had just locked the office but said I could unload where I was. The little boy came back out and offered to help. I asked him if he wanted a package. He took one but gave the snacks to my mother because, he said he was not allowed to have food in the room where he would need to go to get his homework done. 
The last tub was too heavy for me to take any further than a few steps at a time. A man with two bundles of blankets took it in for me. He wouldn't let me carry the blankets. He laughed when I 'Ooohed' at his carrying two bundles of blankets on top of that heavy tub.

While we unloaded the tubs and blankets I had a nice talk with one of the ladies who worked there. She said she was familiar with our church because she sang in 4th District with Valerie-- one of our church music ministry leaders. She said she was very happy to see that there were women there who wanted to help the folks in the shelter.  She said they always need folks to help the kids. I asked her about items for kids' care packages. They always need socks and underwear. One of the brothers had made sure to include children's size gloves in his donation! 

I had a nice chat with a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old who were being guided in their homework by a lady who let them take a little break to talk to me. I noticed that the children were well-behaved,  well-taken care of and seemed to be in good spirits... considering. I want to go back. I would love to be able to help with homework. 
The next day, Cindy said she was fine going there with her husband to drop off the last tub. Everything that people brought to me after we assembled the packages will be dropped off on Thursday afternoon or early Friday. 

If we'd preferred to exchange gifts and have a big dinner, we'd have the slight memory mixed with all the dinners we've had year after year. We'd have the memory of that delicious cake Sister Somebody brought in because she always brings a delicious cake. We'd have the memory of that horrible recipe I just can't believe Sister Somebodyelse brought with the nerve to think that er'body should want to ingest that gastronomically alien 'delicacy.' If we were of the sort to have a party where we all drank and had to depend on the size of the next day's headache and a friend to tell us what kind of fun we had, just think of what we would have missed! If we were not of the sort with others in mind besides ourselves, we would not know the blessed connection we received from finding joy in hands clasped together in His work-- the way He intended. If we were of the mind where this one has to have credit for the part she played while that one wants her name called so that everyone knows what a terrific person she is--as she is probably already reminded everyone many times over, we wouldn't have had the joy of going around the room and noticing every hand in action and every smile that expressed the same unity in joy. 

You weren't there? Well, you were sick, or busy, or had another engagement, or you forgot. That's alright. Stuff happens. I know you'll be with us next year... and you still have other ways to be of service and be blessed. Still, somebody else wasn't there for reasons we must pray for her/them about. Pray for that sister who had decided before we even started that she was not going to participate because we broke with tradition. Pray for that sister that didn't come because she didn't want to work with the other sister(s)... and for the one that didn't think she had anything to bring. Pray for that sister who will find fault in any activity she didn't think of or lead all by that we could praise her second after God. Pray, because doubt, fear, confusion is planted by the enemy and we want better--light, unity, love, sisterhood, GOD-- among us.

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