Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mid-Week Reminder--a Day Later

Good morning! It's me again! 

I try to send midweek reminders so pardon this message a day late. Yesterday, I stayed late at work so I could get some lessons done ahead of time for my braille student. Then, I stopped at the car place, picked up my mother after making sure she had her mid-day meds. After that I took my  daughter to pick up her prescription; saw some church family at the post office; picked up something to eat for family; stopped at the bank; paid a couple of bills at places that were in route; cancelled a meeting with a friend and moved some items from my car to my mother's that my S.I.S. (Sister In Spirit) sent from Florida for the packets for the homeless. Oh, and I saw a few items on the homeless packet list when I took my daughter to Dollar Tree! What a blessed find, I thought! 

I have to go into certain stores at certain times--run in and run out-- because of the neutropenia (susceptibility to germs) I still have after having a stem cell transplant and other cancer treatments. I still can't work with children under 12. No problem. I'm still blessed to be able to go places--checking on the progress of my under 12 set and teach braille in a room provided to teach braille to my middle school student. I've had to change the way I do things, but I can still do things--so I'm blessed.

I have also been blessed by others who see merit in this project for the homeless: They see Jesus' purpose.They understand what we should be about this time of year--and all year long. Not one of them has asked for a voucher, for their names to be mentioned on a program, for any recognition--they just want to help. Rather than complaints, they have offered up ideas to make it a better project for next year! People from other churches have jumped in to help-- people who have their own church projects, jobs, families, and shopping to do for the holidays. Still, in their busy lives with their full schedules they have taken time to do what Christ would have all of us do. They. Made. A. Choice.

So when I get a couple of messages that say, "I'm just too busy to do all that extra work" or the message of silence from a couple of God's children who have made it clear in their silence that they are not in accordance with this project, I'm not thinking anything except that everyone makes their own choice: Some are about what Jesus would do... others dwell on their discomfort with change... and still others make it a personal thing. If you're feeling discouraged by these types of negative attitudes, please don't give the minority vision any thought. Continue to be about God's business with your eyes on HIM-- not on THEM. [I believe that will preach!]

Continue on, please, by offering opportunities to others to participate. Please share the link:
For those who are technologically challenged, please fill out the blanks at SignUp Genius for them. If you're one of those people, ask me and I will help you fill it out.

Next Tuesday, December 10, is Sisterhood Meeting and the day we will  assemble the packets. We will have our potluck treats and our prayer circle.  We will also have guests who have asked if they could come to help with the packets. Lord willing, I will see you all there.

YSIC, In Jesus' Name,
Sister Kathy

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